Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The Difference

We fear, we fear what we do not understand, that fear can lead to a great many things. Hatred, jealousy, rage, envy, aggression, etc. As human being we have this thirst and pure desire to 'know'. To understand. If many of us had our way I'm sure we'd do everything we could to know 'everything'. And that would still not be enough. A very human thing is to want answers, to need them, to make sense and rationalize something which perplexes us. It's rare we are content to 'not know' and let that which we do not understand be. It may have gotten our race to where it is today, but today is different. Today and for some time now, we have been evolved to a state that doesn't seem... conquerable. I don't mean to say that what we are now is the perfect being, far from it. I don't believe thats within our capacity at any rate. There is more honor today in the animal world than our own. If I had to say what we have become is something less than human. We are so desensitivedsed, out of touch and distant. We've lost so much compassion and understanding. Today is all about destroying, destroying in order to understand. To know. Mystery seems to be feared. Mystery is endangered, if not extinct. Go into space and look back down and see for yourself, we hate not knowing and not being able to control so much we've lit up the dark side of the earth. Perhaps it's the sense that in the darkness we'll see true. See what we are and what we've become. There is an irrational fear of the dark beset in most, if not all of us. Safe to say that this was because we did not know what lurked in it, for our own bodily sense we could not 'see' and find comfort in a blackened world. But now, today. I think what we fear most in the dark is ourselves. Afraid to even be ashamed. Taught to be proud and 'live life'. Honor is no more, chivalry dead, pure good nature is now just... nature.
 Take myth, legend and folklore. We've done all we can to PROVE and DISPROVE fantastical things which had us hope and dream. There is an epic sense of boredom, not just in our culture but in our species. Take a look around at what we have done for ourselves. There is and can be so much more to us, so much potential and wonder. Seems we're just too lazy and confined to be 'realistic'. Realism today seems to be a echo of pessimism.
 So many people are doing and dedicating their lives into fitting in this lore of society, this some what ever changing world, ever changing due to the fact it does not exist, a shakey illusion in to which our species is becoming fixated and consumed by. We are all so desperate to be accepted, to be recognised and acknowledged. Yet it seems we can't even do that when we look into a mirror. What hope have we to do that in a limp lie?
 We're stuck, in every sense of the word.

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