Friday, 25 March 2011

The Stickers

A number of you will be receiving some stickers, and a number of you will be viewing this blog BECAUSE you received these stickers. The stickers being 'THIS IS A MORAL FREE ZONE' sign, in sticker form. These stickers are to be placed at the discretion of whoever may have the sticker(s). All I ask is that you send me photos of where you have stuck the said stickers, so I can begin a collection of images cataloguing where and how people have used the stickers. Everyone will be credited to however much they desire. It is you that will make this project work. So I thank you now and i'll thank you many times to come also. Hopefully I will be sent enough images in order to create an extensive and expansive book and also blog which will be monitored and established by me, but it will be through the participation and interaction of you that will get it going, keep it going, and make it strong.
I do have a limited number of stickers, though I can always obtain more. I'm asking for no money from people to send these stickers out to. All I really want in return is some images documenting how the stickers were used. In this respect I believe i've opened it up to many more people. It iss at my own cost, which i believe is only fair as I am the artist and I'm asking YOU to go out and use the stickers, essentially do at least half the work.... Hopefully you wont be arrested, fined or apprehended trying to stick them where ever you see fit. Not Condoning the use of the sticker in unlawful ways... but I certainly can't and wont stop you. That sort of defeats the intention of the stickers themselves. They are to use to say something about a space and the place they are stuck. Their use and intentional meaning is something you have power over. You can choose to tell me why you stuck them in a certain place or not. Maybe funny, maybe questionable, maybe political. Your Choice. I'm simply supplying the stickers to use how you wish. To say what you want to say. I hope you enjoy the stickers and their usage. I'll certainly enjoy and appreciate any and all the images you send me.
Have fun, take care & remember, Art is yours to say what you want to say.

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