Sunday, 27 March 2011

The Music

Everything is beautiful, it's the fact everything is beautiful that we take most things for granted. It's only when we receive a reminder and a shock, that we realise, that we are able to see, clearly.
Think of everyone in the world, and what odds, what sheer overwhelming chances were stacked against them in order to simply... exist. And then think about what so called great people have done, invented, thought, wondered, prevailed and failed. Stack those chances on top of the miracle of sheer being, what we have then is some staggeringly monumental beauties that were born out of unbelievable circumstances. You may argue that because it COULD happen it WILL happen. Well, that may be true, but it all doesn't happen at once in the same scale nor order.
The first girl I had a crush on was named Natalie, and she made me feel so... nervous. Like I was a fizzy drink that had been shook up too much and was fit to burst at any moment. It was scary, it was terrifying, it was beautiful. To feel something new, to be surprised by yourself just once more is something of overwhelming and incredibly refreshing revelation. To know, not just think, to know that there is so much more than just... you. We're all selfish beings and we're all a little bit narcissistic but thats human nature. Thats how we are born and bred.  It's what happens after we're born that starts to really shape the world, and I say that in the sense that every single life on this planet will have an effect. Everything makes a ripple, regardless of its size, it still spreads across the ocean, the sheer vastness of our societies on this tiny little rock. You could live for nothing, you could feel like an utter ghost, a fleeting lost soul, but your life, your life will have been nothing but miraculous. The odds of you being born are huge, then add on the odd's of you being alive, add the fact you're still alive, then... the fact you're reading this... well in mathematics terms... I imagine it's a large number indeed.
I don't believe in luck, nor fate, destiny of anything. I believe, well, I guess i believe, what can be, is what will be, at one time or another. We live in this world, but there are so many different worlds, perhaps even with different you and me's living on them. Alternative universes and parallel worlds. Just imagine that for every choice you made, the choice you DIDN'T make then spawned another world in a different dimension where you made the other choice, and your life leads on from there. Take into account how many different choices you make in one day, then how many choices EVERYONE makes in one day and have done in the past, are doing now, and will do. That's a lot of worlds and a lot of choices made, being made and to be decided.

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