Thursday, 24 February 2011

The Last

What if the last words you ever spoke to someone, was infact the last words, you ever spoke?
What would they be and what would you think about them? How would you feel if they were something horrific and hurtful? Or beautiful and majestic perhaps.
Think about your loved ones and the last things you said to them. What if you never saw them again, what would those last words you exchange be, they'd haunt you for rest of your life no matter what they would be.
I think this simple notion is lost on us today. We live our lives not even expecting death sometimes. When it happens in every second of every moment. Hell upto now, you reading this, approx 100 people will have died, some from disease, some from old age, some from accidents, perhaps even some from murder. Too many people respect themselves so much they forget and maybe have no respect left for anyone else. It's all well and good to look out for number one. But hell if we all did that all of the time... well I bet there would be a sharp decrease in our numbers.
We fail to realise that the people we pass on the street, the people we see in bars and coffee houses, the people we see driving their cars, the people on the bus, the people who clean up after us, well, we forget that they are infact... people.
Everyone looses people close to them, we cling onto the best we can to all those around us, to all those we hold dear, but we can't. No matter how hard our grip and how enduring our strength is, we will loose them, we will loose them all. We never take the time to fully respect them or thank them for all they have done and all they are and then when we want to say it most, they aren't around to listen.
We try so hard to make people happy, to make ourselves happy and to be strong. We do all we can to make an impression, to be something people can be proud of. Most of us fail, spectacularly. But that doesn't make us anymore or any less than anyone else.
Today. right now. It's... an odd time. It's a time when you can see something so old being paired upto or placed next to or related to something so new and cutting edge. Our time is confusing because it seems... everything has been done before and we're just borrowing different aspects from the past.
Everything has been done before, but everything hasn't been done by YOU before. So you, you can do anything.

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