Sunday, 13 June 2010

The Hope

Hope: we need it, we can't live without it, without it we cannot call our existence a 'life'. You cannot even comprehend what it is to live without knowing what it is to exist without hope. There is a state of existing, that is just punishment, its of living without purpose or meaning. There is no meaning to this life, there is no high power or any design to this reality. There's no fate or destiny, the only path that may lie infront of us is of our design and our own choice.
Without hope, there is no love, there is no fear, there is no purpose, meaning, reason. Without hope there is no life. A person without hope is truely something to be afraid of, they have nothing, nothing to gain or loose. Without hope a person is no longer a human being, they are a shell and a danger, to both themselves and the very world around them.
They say life is not worth living without hope, well the only way your going to get hope, is to get it your damn self. The only hope you can make is your own, the only purpose, the only meaning you can bring to your existence is your own doing, your own choice and freewill, to choose to live. It's not about doing what your given, its about doing what you want, for the good of yourself to make your existence a life. To make what you have your own, to make it yours is to have hope for yourself. No hope can be gained unless you have hope for yoruself. The heart doesn't want what it wants, it wants hope, it wants purpose, a reason to beat, a meaning to pump, a life to love.
This world is cruel, unforgiving and hard doesn't even begin to describe it, but what choice to we have but to do what we will with the existence we have. Hope makes the difference from a happy life and a sad existence. You can lead a life of tragedy, hurt, pain and misery, but if you have hope there is no reason to call that life sad, to have hope throughout every single spit in the face, every bump in the road, wolf on the path, storm in the sky, hope can get you through. It can get you killed don't get me wrong but hope, well if you have it you die a just and a worthy death. A Warrior's death isn't won with bravery, it's won with the hope that even against the odd's you beleive you can win out, despite the numbers, regardless of the reality, you beleive you can do it, then there's no reason you can't. If you don't, well it's better than dying in fear and numbness.
Hope, for anything, for everything, for yourself.

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