Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The Progress Of Death

'Death means a lot of money, honey. Death can make you look like a star.'

What is the value of death? what is this fear we bestow upon it? need it be a means to a end. need it be a full stop on the status of life? who knows. i do not. for i am alive. for all extensive purposes. Is death thy neighbour that we do not wish to be neighborly with? My Project has taken a turn in making more questions than answers. Though those questions reveal much more about the issues I wish to raise and confront. If Death is indeed the monster we make of it, is it truly out for us on a vendetta to correct the mistake that is life?
What is this phantom life nought but a journey to a certain predetermined door. We fear death no question about it, but do we fear life also. in our crippling fear of the unknown of destruction of life do we loose value and regard on what it is to live, to be alive? There is a creeping thought into every waking moment, perhaps in the centre of a survival instincts, that at any time, any where or place this could be our death. There used to be talk and belief in a 'Good' Death, is this possible anymore, was it possible in the first place. Our Eternally curious thoughts cannot perceive the very idea of our own death. At best we can view the deaths of those around us. Take a sat back and relaxed look at the withering of the rarity of the universe. We cannot view our own death, once it is it will be all there is.
Is Deaths Illusion the very idea of life?

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