Sunday, 8 May 2011

The Broken

Everyone has this need, this unknowing default setting, where we keep secrets, we don't tell other's things, we shy away from what there is, what needs to be done and said.
You can't exactly argue that secrets 'appear' to be effective. Whole governments and countries seem to be fed and raised on them. But where is the line drawn? Can there be a 'good' lie? People keep things from others with one reason in mind more than others; to protect them. Have to ask yourself though, is it them you are protecting, or yourself?
You all think there's something wrong with you in some form or shape, you all think you're not good enough, far from perfect and simply not good enough. How about you consider, you simply think, you are what you are. You're you. In all your beauty and wonder. You are yourself. Don't deny, don't dispute, don't argue or complain, don't worry, fret or be concerned that you are not more. BE YOURSELF, it's all you can be. It's all there is, to be you is be great, to be true and just, to be right and satisfied. Society, friends, peers and strangers can hate and despise, judge and criticize. With no right. But thats their own damn opinion, opinion, opinion generally only matters to one, you. What you think is what you know. If you think you are, you will be.
You sacrifice all you want for beauty, perfection, looks and desires, all you'll get is hollowness.

I know as I write these words that they will have little if not absolutely no impact on the world, on anyone. these are just my words. Just my crappy little notions, but that, that's me being me, i'm writing out my opinion, i'm expressing and digressing. I don't consider myself to be perfect in any shape or form, if anything i'm the polar opposite, but then that itself is a term and conduct of which others and society has put upon me. I'm me, in all my glory and all my weakness. I'm human. Humanity, it's forgetting, it's pretty much forgot, that... that's what it is. I'm so angry, so goddamn angry. At myself, at you, hell at everyone. And it's beautiful. Because thats what you need, that's what's great about being a member of mankind, that RAGE you feel when someone does wrong or thinks something else. The simple intensity of your beliefs and your thoughts. Solidifying the uniqueness and the miracle of our very existence. To be you is more than I can express in words (Yes I'm speechless).

Be true to you.

Monday, 2 May 2011

The Strength

What if we had everything we could ever want, what if we had it all, but someone else, others, had nothing? Who are those out there that will and do sacrifice their want's, their happiness and their safety, for ours?
People have said heroism is being able to hold on and endure that one moment longer. Or to be able to dive into a situation for someone else's benefit, disregarding your own life. But surely it can be as simple as... giving something up. Making a sacrifice. Being selfless.
We need to be selfish in life in order to maintain, in order to be able to live and keep going in everyday circumstance. But it seems selfishness has gone too far and we hold it too dear. It's too comfortable for most. People are so afraid of what they don't know, what they don't understand and believe to be 'real'. Selflessness is an attribute of heroes, a rare thing at that. People think it takes some great victory or occurrence to feel and BE a hero. It's everyday living that should be seen as the greatest victory. I've said before that we're 'lucky' to even exist. We're all heroes of our own lives.
 I think to have everything you could ever want is... a nightmare. What more is there left to dream about? What more is there to strive and drive for? Why would you need to even get out of bed on a morning?

"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other, is getting it."